How to remove battery from iPhone 4

How to remove battery from iPhone 4

Removing battery from iPhone 4 isn’t a child play but it’s somehow doable at home and here we will guide you through the requirements and step by step instructions for safe removal of iPhone 4’s battery. It is not recommended for the users whose iPhone 4 is under warranty because if their iPhone 4 battery isn’t working fine’s, they can easily claim the replacement warranty. However the iPhone 4 user whose iPhone 4 is out of warranty and want to save few grand’s by self replacement of battery, you need to strictly follow the instructions below.
It’s being openly notified that we aren’t responsible for any kind of damage which could occur to your iPhone 4 during the procedure. You are going for this on your own responsibility and it will void the warranty of your iPhone 4. It’s also being said that this procedure is only applicable for iPhone 4 and shouldn’t be attempted on any other Apple device.
Preliminary Requirements:
Before getting started with the battery removal of your iPhone 4, you need to buy these tools for harm free removal. It’s advised to buy only quality products from genuine manufacturers.
  1. If you are replacing the battery of your iPhone 4, buy a new iPhone 4 battery from any authentic company.
  2. Screwdriver with 5 points.
  3. Phillips screwdriver of standard 000.
  4. Spudger.
  5. iSesamo tool isn’t necessary to buy but it can handle the opening of your iPhone 4 more securely and effectively.
Steps to remove iPhone 4 battery:
  1. Take a thorough look at the bottom end of your iPhone 4 and you will see two minute sized screws attached with the charging port on either ends. Remove those two screws by using either of the two screwdrivers.
  2. Now gently lift the back panel of your iPhone 4 upwards and take it off completely.
  3. On removal of back panel, you will find a lengthy battery mounted on the side of your iPhone holdfast by a battery clip. To remove this clip, use your Phillips screwdriver and remove its screw. Make use of your plastic tools and take out this battery clip.
  4. To remove the battery from iPhone 4, don’t just pull it out after removing clip because it is fixed with the help of adhesive which you need to break free by running pokey tool underneath the battery gently so that your iPhone 4 back will neither rip out nor the battery will bend.
  5. As you have successfully taken out your iPhone 4 battery, you should take care of the grounding clip located besides the battery clip, it acts as an antenna for your iPhone 4 and you should make sure it is perfectly seated before rewinding your Smartphone.

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