Signs and Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma is a common long term respiratory disease which finally leads to coughing, chest tightness, wheezing and breathlessness. This symptom may be more or less severe in the body of the persons who are affected by this disease. This is commonly a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways which is followed by bronchospasm or obstruction in the reverse airflow. It is thought that asthma is caused due to genetic and some external factors. It is usually diagnosed the pattern of the symptoms as well as response to the therapy according to the time & spirometry.
Asthma can be classified mainly in two types intrinsic and extrinsic. Occasionally when the symptoms of this disease increased suddenly leading to an extreme condition, the specific situation known as asthma attack though the medical term for this situation is exacerbation. Sometimes treatment of the patient in the hospital is required to recover the condition of the patient when it gets life threatening. There are some small tubes present in our lungs which carry air in and out of our lungs known as bronchi.
The inflammation of these tubes usually causes asthma. The bronchi of the asthma patients are more sensitive than the normal persons. Irritation of lungs by contacting some foreign particle is known as triggers which increase the production of sticky mucus (Phlegm) as well as tighten the muscles around them. There some common asthma triggers such as pollen, smoking, exercise, animal fur etc. which are solely responsible for severe attack of asthma. It may affect any persons irrespective of their age but it is reported that women are more affected than men by this disease.
There is a basic difference between the sign & symptoms of any disease. Symptoms are only felt by the patient whereas the signs can be detected by both the patient and the doctors.Like other diseases this disease also has some unique symptoms though some most people experience occasional symptoms though some suffer most of the times. The symptoms of this disease vary from mild to severe.
Some of the usual symptoms are discussed in the following:
- The most common symptoms of this disease are the whistling sound appears at the time of taking breath which is known as wheezing. This is found usually found occasionally in the affected persons.
- Feeling of tight chest is an important system where the patient feels that their chest is fastened with a tight band.
- At the time of coughing sputum also produced from the lungs but it is very hard to bring it up.
- Shortness of breath is another symptom of this disease which usually appears at the later stage of the disease.
- Patient breaths faster and feels drowsy exhausted or dizzy which may be occasional or chronic too.
- Lips and fingers of the patients turn into blue due to decreased supply of oxygen. This phenomenon is known as cyanosis.
- Being too breathless to eat, speak or sleepmay also be a symptom for this disease after severe attack.
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