Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is actually a specialized type of cancer which mainly affects lung (the two spongy organs in human body solely responsible to intake of oxygen at the time of inhale and release of carbon dioxide at the time of exhale situated in chest area) by the formation of malignant tumour (characterised by the uncontrolled cell growth in the tissues by which is responsible for the formation of lung). This disease is also known as carcinoma of the lung or pulmonary carcinoma. Metastasis is one of main feature of this disease by which it can spread any part of the patient’ body that is already affected by this disease if untreated. Those cancer which starts at lung by deriving of epithelial cells is medically known as primary carcinoma.
This disease can be classified in two main primary types- small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Tobacco smoking is found as a great cause which can easily leads a person to lung cancer. It is reported that 80-90% of the persons who are suffering from lung cancer have a precious background of intensive tobacco smoking. This disease is quite rare in the persons who never smoke as 10-15% of patients are affected by this disease who are non-smokers. Several causes are responsible for the outbreak for this disease such as i) genetic factors ii) exposure to radon gas, asbestos as well as passive smoking too. Lung cancer can be diagnosed by radiography as well as computer tomography though it can be confirmed only by the biopsy performed by bronchoscopy or CT guidance.
No specific symptoms found for the lung cancer until the disease spreads a lot in the body of the patients though in some cases there are few symptoms found in the early stage of this disease. The treatment is found as more effective at the earlier time of the infection by this disease.
Some common physiological symptoms found in the body of the affected persons are discussed in the following:
- · Presence of cough in the lungs which does not get released but became worse at the disease proceeds.
- · Mild to severe chest pain occurred to the patients which results into deep breathing, coughing or laughing due to the uncontrolled cell growth in lungs.
- · The loss of appetite is occurred in the patient’s bossy as a result of it the intake capacity of food decreases significantly finally resulting into weight loss.
- · Coughing of blood as well as rust coloured sputum may be also an identifying character of this disease.
- · Feeling of weakness or tiring even after proper rest as well as shortness of breath occurred in the body of the affected person.
- · Incurable infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia appear in the body of the patient which usually do not go back.
- · Nervous system changes (such as headache, weakness or numbness of an arm or leg, dizziness, balance problems, or seizures), from cancer spread to the brain or spinal cord
- · Lumps near the surface of the body, due to cancer spreading to the skin or to lymph nodes (collections of immune system cells), such as those in the neck or above the collarbone
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