Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease, in which the large intestine develops tiny sores or ulcers that produce pus. This occurs due to an abnormal response of the immune system. The causes of this disease are yet not certain. Men and women are equally likely to be affected. There may be other reason for this disease such as aggregation of Ulcerative colitis in families, having twin concordance, ethnic differences in incidence, genetic markers and linkages. There might be other factors like daily diet, breastfeeding, presence of Accutane. This is an autoimmune disease. People who smoke or have some age behind their back are most venerable. The goal is to induce remission initially and measures to prevent the relapse of the disease.
This might be treated by a number of medications, but though their risks outweigh their benefits they are not used in the long run. This might lead to anemia and professional guidance is required. A number of dietary treatments are promising but further research needs to be done before it is recommended. Dietary fiber is strongly recommended. Diagnosis might be made by stool samples, blood tests, liver function test, barium enema x-ray test, etc. Some newer ways are video capsule endoscopy and or other treatment methods.
As this disease affects inner physiological portion of the human body so the symptoms become severe than the other usually caused diseases. Treatment should be started immediately just after the detection of the disease. According to the severity of the infection of the small intestine the symptoms also varies in the body of the different patients.
Mostly seen signs and symptoms of Ulcerative colitis are as follows:
- · Rectal inflammation: Swelling of the rectum is one of important signs which usually appear in the preliminary stage of this disease.
- · Rectal pain: Rectal pain is experienced due to pressure and force applied which can only be controlled by proper use of pain killers. These symptoms finally lead into the blood flow from rectum.
- · Urgency of bowel: lack of control of bowels, might lead to embarrassing moments&painful urge to move their bowels known as tenesmus.
- · Diarrhea : As the small intestine gets affected by this disease so severe loss of body fluids from the rectum with the passage of stool
- · Abdominal pain and cramps: Due to excessive pressure and strain there might be pain experienced though the severity varies from person to person.
- · Weight loss: Abnormal loss of weight may be seen in the body of the affected patient.
- · Fatigue: excessive tiredness and inability to function normally. Daily tasks become a huge burden to bear and too big a job to do and sweating usually occurs during sleep or as soon as the sun goes down.
- · Dehydration: Extreme loss of water and body fluids in the form of sweat, urine, and stool passage, etc., this makes the patient weak and left without hope. After a certain period of time the extent of the disease remains constant, therefore leading to a relapse of the disease.
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