SQL data type defines the type and range of the data that can be used with SQL Server.
Commonly used SQL data types:
Data Type | Syntax | Description |
integer | integer | Integer number. |
smallint | smallint | Small integer number. |
numeric | numeric(p,s) | Where p is a precision value; s is a scale value. For example, numeric(7,3) is a number that has 4 digits before the decimal and 3 digits after the decimal. |
decimal | decimal(p,s) | Where p is a precision value; s is a scale value. |
real | real | Single-precision floating point number |
double precision | double precision | Double-precision floating point number |
float | float(p) | Where p is a precision value. |
character | char(x) | Where x is the number of characters to store. This data type is space padded to fill the number of characters specified. |
character varying | varchar2(x) | Where x is the number of characters to store. This data type does NOT space pad. |
bit | bit(x) | Where x is the number of bits to store. |
bit varying | bit varying(x) | Where x is the number of bits to store. The length can vary up to x. |
date | date | Stores year, month, and day values. |
time | time | Stores the hour, minute, and second values. |
timestamp | timestamp | Stores year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values. |
time with time zone | time with time zone | Exactly the same as time, but also stores an offset from UTC of the time specified. |
timestamp with time zone | timestamp with time zone | Exactly the same as timestamp, but also stores an offset from UTC of the time specified. |
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