1. CPP-Introduction
2. CPP-OOPs Concepts
3. CPP-Statements
4. CPP-Programming Examples
5. CPP-Operators
6. CPP-Functions
7. CPP-Classes & Objects
8. CPP-Array Of Objects
9. CPP-Constructors
10. CPP-Destructors
11. CPP-Inheritance
12. CPP-Multiple Inheritance
13. CPP Hierarchical Inheritance
14. CPP-Important Points
1. CPP-Introduction
2. CPP-OOPs Concepts
3. CPP-Statements
4. CPP-Programming Examples
5. CPP-Operators
6. CPP-Functions
7. CPP-Classes & Objects
8. CPP-Array Of Objects
9. CPP-Constructors
10. CPP-Destructors
11. CPP-Inheritance
12. CPP-Multiple Inheritance
13. CPP Hierarchical Inheritance
14. CPP-Important Points
- A class is a blueprint that doesn't exists and works as template for objects.
- A class contains member data or member functions together.
- Generally class contains two concept :
- Class declaration
- Definition of functions
- A class uses keyword “class” before the class name and semicolon is used for terminating the declaration of class.
Access modifiers :- Access modifiers provides security to the data members and member function of the class.
- It doesn’t allow them to move around.
- It decisides the visibility of data.
- Three keywords are used:
- private
- public
- protected
- private : it is default access modifier. And these data members are accessible within a class in which it is declared.
- public: it is accessible at anywhere in program.
- protected: it is accessible within a class in which it is declared or accessible in immediate derived class.
//example of a class member function declared inside it
class sum
int num1,num2;
public :
int result( )
int sum1=0;
return sum1;
Example :
//example of class declaration and member functions are declared outside class using scope resolution
class sum
int num1, num2;
int result( );
void display( );
int sum::result( )
return (num1+num2);
void sum ::display( )
cout<<”two numbers are = “<
Creating an objects :
- The declared willn’t work until its object is not created.
- A class works as blueprint or template for objects.
- A class decides the behavior of an object.
- More than one object of a same class can be created.and must be declared in main( ).
- Syntax :
sum s1,s2;
to access member functions of class dot operator is used.
For eg:
A class is declared before and after that creation of object
void main()
sum s1,s2;
s1.result( );
s1.display( );
s2.result( );
s2.display( );
A simple C++ program with class :
Class SimpleInterst
public :
void input( )
cout<<”enter principal, time , rate for calculation”;
void calculation( )
int result;
cout<<”simple interest is= “<
void main( )
SimpleInterst s1;