1. Servlet Arctitecture Overview
2. Life cycle of Servlet
3. Servlet Interface
4. Generic Servlet Class
5. Http Servlet Class
6. Deployment Descriptor Webxml
7. Welcome File List In Webxml
8. Load On Startup in Webxml
9. Request Dispatcher Interface
10. Sendre Direct In Servlet
11. Servlet init Parameters
12. Servlet context Parameters
13. Servlet Hello World Example
14. Session Management Cookies
15. Cookie in Servlet
16. Hidden Field In Servlet
17. URL rewriting In Servlet
18. Http session In Servlet
19. Servlet Filter In Java
20. Filter Config Interface
1. Servlet Arctitecture Overview
2. Life cycle of Servlet
3. Servlet Interface
4. Generic Servlet Class
5. Http Servlet Class
6. Deployment Descriptor Webxml
7. Welcome File List In Webxml
8. Load On Startup in Webxml
9. Request Dispatcher Interface
10. Sendre Direct In Servlet
11. Servlet init Parameters
12. Servlet context Parameters
13. Servlet Hello World Example
14. Session Management Cookies
15. Cookie in Servlet
16. Hidden Field In Servlet
17. URL rewriting In Servlet
18. Http session In Servlet
19. Servlet Filter In Java
20. Filter Config Interface
Servlet Filter in Java: Previous
FilterConfig interface
FilterConfig object is created and used by web container to pass init parameters to a filter during initialization.
Methods of FilterConfig interface:
1. getFilterName(): Returns the name of the filter defined in web.xml.
Syntax: public String getFilterName()
2. getInitParameter(String name): Returns the value of the specified parameter.
Syntax: public String getInitParameter(String name)
3. getInitParameterNames(): Returns the names of all parameters as Enumeration.
Syntax:public Enumeration getInitParameterNames()
4. getServletContext(): Returns the object of ServletContext.
Syntax: public ServletContext getServletContext()