Cardiovascular for your mind and body

Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation. Cardio. For some it's a dreaded word and for others it's a passion they can't get enough of. Either way you look at it though, cardiovascular exercise is one of the key components that should never be left out of a fitness plan.
If you have a sitting job, imagine how your body feels at the end of the day. Do you have pain in your muscles, an aching back, feel exhausted even though you haven’t done anything physical? Maybe your head aches due tension and your eyes hurt from staring at a computer screen for too long. Now, think about how your body feels after a workout. Your muscles are warm and flexible, the blood is pumping through your body, providing oxygen and energy. You feel energized, confident, proud of yourself and ready to take on the world. It's much different, isn't it? Our bodies are made to move and not to sit around all day and yet, that's exactly what we're doing.
If you are planning to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise is the best for you, that’s because cardio exercise burn calories. It is said that cardio is the best "exercise for weight loss". Although all sorts of exercises like weight training and swimming burn calories and contribute to your weight loss effort, but they don’t burn as many calories as cardio.
Well, Cardio not only helps you in losing weight, it also helps in other health benefits. Let’s have a look.
Reduce Belly fat
Promotes Brain Growth
Prevents Stress
Promotes Focus
Interrupts Anxiety
Regulates Depression
Stronger Heart and Lungs
Increased Bone Density
Reduced risk of heart disease and some types of Cancer
More confident about how you feel and look
Better Sleep
More Energy
Increased Metabolism
Improved Hormonal Profile
Improved Recovery Ability
Management of Diabetes
Prevents Cholestrol and High Blood Pressure
These are the few benefits you get, when you start with you Cardio Exercise. I hope now you people have enough reasons to get into your track pants and sport shoes and start with your daily Cardio routine. Exercise can actually make you feel good. It can make you feel strong, confident and able to tackle anything. So, if you are planning to lose weight, here are few tips to start looking forward to exercise.
Get use to it
No big deal, if you are confused about what to do. You can start with the basics, foer which you just need 20 minutes to warm up your body. Mark 3 different days in a week and do different exercises for twenty minutes on each day. It can be walking, running, jogging, treadmill, cycling, and vigorous yard work, whatever you want. Make it a habit first and work on your time and intensity later.
Patience plays an important partIt is the most important thing when you are working out. Exercise is good for health, but excess of anything is bad for you. Take your time and allow yourself to make it a habit. You can't start where you want to be, which may be exercising 5 or 6 days a week, you have to start where you are and that means weight loss may be slow in coming as you get your mind and body conditioned for exercise. Make your weight loss goal long-term and short term. Focus on the daily steps you need to take to get there. Weight loss is a slow process, don’t run too fast. It might harm you health causing certain problems in the body.
Concerntrate on Your Body
Exercising is not the only thing which is important, how you do it plays a major role in your life. If you exercise regularly, when was the last time you left your ipod or phone at home and spent some time focusing on how your body feels? While music is a great inspiration, why not set a goal to do one workout a week with no distractions? Leave your heart rate monitor, phone calls and ipod at home. Forget about what people thinks about you, your clothes, calories, intensity and the rest of it and focus on how your body feels. Try different activities. Go slower or faster and see how your body responds. I am sure it will give you a lot of positive vibes and relax your body. Take some time to learn about your body and you'll be able to create workouts based on your own rules instead of someone else's.
Stop and Smell the nature
It is good if you hit the gym, but sometimes it is better to feel the fresh air. Go out and walk, run or ride your bike. Leave your watch at home and take some time to look around, notice the scenery and observe the nature. Watch people around, talk with a stranger and Breathe deeply. Sometimes just being outside is a reminder of how wonderful it is to have a healthy, functioning body.
Try something new every day
The nice thing about cardio exercise is that you can choose any activity that raises your heart rate. It can be walking, jogging, running, cycling, treadmill, jumping jack, skipping and many others. You have plenty of options. You don't have to do the same workout every session, nor every week. If you've been doing the same workouts, you might get bored of it. Trying something new every day will motivate you to do exercise and will show better results.
Stay Happy
We all have heard this phrase, ‘A smile is the best curve on woman’s body’. Learn to appreciate things you have. At least, you have a good working body, there are people who, can’t even walk properly. Just taking a few moments during your workouts to imagine what it would be like if you couldn't do what you wanted can help remind you how amazing your body is--no matter how it looks.
I hope these few tips will help in workout.

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