Excel Explore Window
Let us now look at the Microsoft Excel Window closely to understand the main elements of the window with the help of the following figure:
File Tab
The File tab in Excel 2010 version occurs at the place where there was Office button in Excel 2007. You can open the backstage view by clicking on it and get basic options, which include create new sheet, save files, print a sheet etc.
Quick Access Toolbar
It is located just above the File tab and gives easy access to most frequently used commands.
In the Ribbon sections, you will find three segments of commands.
- Tabs: This is the top thin ribbon containing the commands grouped together into tabs like Home, Insert, Page Layout, etc.
- Groups: In this segment, the related commands are arranged in the form of groups with all commands displayed in the box with the name of the group at the bottom.
- Commands: Commands will be contained within these segments as already explained.
Title bar
The title bar lies right on the top of the window in the form of ribbon between two corners with sheet name and few commands.
Help Icon is meant helps users on any topic of excel at anytime.
Zoom Control
Zoom control provides you the option to zoom in or zoom out your text as per the requirement via slider that can be moved to the left or right to zoom in or zoom out respectively.
View Buttons
You can control the view of the excel sheet by using 3 View buttons
- Normal Layout view- This is for the working on the normal view of the excel sheet.
- Page Layout view - This option creates a view just as you will get in the print preview with the page appearing in its actual size.
- Page Break view- This view gives you the idea of the boundaries of the pages by highlighting them with a dark line to give you an idea where the page ends or begins
Sheet Area
In sheet area, users enter the data. It also has a vertical flashing bar to indicate the location where the data will appear as you will enter.
Row Bar
Row Bar has number of the rows from 1 and continues up to 1,048,576.
Column Bar
Column Bar shows the serial order of columns starting from A to Z following an alphabetic order. After Z, the series continues in the form AA, AB, while maximum limit is 16,384 in one sheet.
Status Bar
This shows the information about the insertion point and basic information from left to right about the sheet, like total pages, number of words, language etc in that document. It also allows you to right click and change options you want to see in status bar.
Dialog Box Launcher
It is actually a small arrow present on the bottom right corner of every command group listed under ribbon. You can click on this to launch dialog box to open full list of related commands.
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