The SAX stands for the “Simple API for XML”. Unlike a DOM parser which loads document in the memory, SAX s an event-based parse. It works on the events when an event occur it calls some callback methods. The parse() method of the SAXParser will starts the XML processing.
SAX is push API:
As we discussed above SAX parser works on the events when an event occur it calls handler object methods. For example, SAX parser encounters an event of the beginning of an XML element, it will call the startElement on handler object. As it pushes the information from XML to handler object that why it is known as push style API.
Note: As SAX parser not loads the complete document in the memory it uses less memory and faster than DOM parser.
Limitation: We can only read and can’t write the XML documents using SAX parser. It only process the XML document from top to bottom and not provide the random access facility.
SAX parser works on following events:
1. startDocument
2. startElement
3. characters
5. processing instructions
6. endElement
7. endDocument
2. startElement
3. characters
5. processing instructions
6. endElement
7. endDocument
Commonly Used methods of SAX XML Parser:
1. startDocument(): It is called at the beginning of the xml document.
2. endDocument(): It is called at the end of the xml document.
3. startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts): It is called at the beginning of an element.
4. endElement(String uri, String localName,String qName): It is called at the end of an element.
5. characters(char[] ch, int start, int length): It is called when text data is encountered between start and end tags of an element.
2. endDocument(): It is called at the end of the xml document.
3. startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts): It is called at the beginning of an element.
4. endElement(String uri, String localName,String qName): It is called at the end of an element.
5. characters(char[] ch, int start, int length): It is called when text data is encountered between start and end tags of an element.
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