LED lights – Investing in a Brighter Future
LED lights are being posed as the alternative to the florescent and CFL bulbs which have dominated the Indian market of over half a century now. And to the relief of environment lovers and innovators across the world, it is true. Most of the LED lights in India work with a Blue/Ultraviolet diode with yellow phosphor which causes a voltage drop of 3.5 and functions at a wavelength of relatively broad spectrum.

LED works on the principle of “electro luminescence” which emits energy and an incandescent effect giving out light which can be manipulated into any color by adjusting band gap between the electrons of the diode. This mechanism is not restricted by the shape of the bulb, thus the energy can be greatly optimized for the use of people based on their consumption. These bulbs have so much power that they can successfully light up an average sized room. Furthermore, unlike traditional bulbs, the LED lights conserve and store energy rather than wasting them in heat. Thus, heating is not an issue with the LED bulb manufacturers, which allows them to direct the energy towards a use which bets suits its utility. Low heat emission proves this technology as a healthy solution to the freezing and cooling facilities which are operating in supermarkets and other places. The LED lights are more compactly designed and permit faster switching which enhances their utility and improves their usage by the masses.
Unlike the common perception, the heat regulation and current management for the proper functioning of LED lights is not technical. The functioning of LED lights owing to the increased efforts in research and development activities over the world has moved this technology to function without a glitch in circumstances other than those it is accustomed to since 1960s. While its longevity is second to none when it has to function in colder climatic conditions, even in warmer regions, the longevity of the LED lights can easily surpass any expensive CFL or fluorescent bulb and also create a healthier atmosphere for the customer and his kin. Most LED lights in Indian market can function optimally at the operational temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.
Scientifically speaking, the luminous efficacy of the LED is second to none as it suffices the energy requirement from a 5 watt LED bulb at the lumen per watt consumption of a 60-100 watts incandescent light bulb. The lifetime of a LED can range from 25,000 to 100,000 hours.
While the LED lights in India today are priced high, it is the promise of science of economics that demand increased for LED lights, which the companies are more than willing to supply for, the prices of these are bound to fall, making it a choice for everyone in the society irrespective of his income class. Thus, LED lights might prove to be the best investment a household can make in this decade.
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