iFixit is the complete guide for repairing your Apple watch by yourself

iFixit is the complete guide for repairing your Apple watch by yourself
If you are also standing in a queue of Apple enthusiasts who bought Apple watch out of excitement but couldn’t pay for Apple care+ coverage, you have got a thing to worry about which is the high price repairing of Apple watch unless you are brave enough to do it yourself with iFixit in your hand.
iFixit is a complete Apple watch repairing guide developed by specialists who have already ripped apart the Apple watch piece by piece. Don’t worry iFixit isn’t just a bunch of amateurs, these professionals have already provided successful guides for other gadgets and now it’s time for the trending Apple watch. The iFixit guide for Apple watch will show you instructions to repair the battery, NFC antenna, display and it’s attachment with the rest of the body. You can also grab different components made available by iFixit for Apple watch however all the components aren’t available yet.
You don’t need to rush at iFixit if your Apple watch encounters a damage due to defect in its manufacturing, as promised, Apple will get your watch repaired for free or either you will be given a new watch. In case the damage is on your own shoulders, you should only rely on iFixit if you have got plenty of tools around and you are experienced in gadgets. Otherwise you could end up badly by damaging your Apple watch more badly.

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