InstantRecall App is the perfect app to remember everyone you ever met
It’s indeed hard to remember everyone around you in this fast paced world where we can’t even find time to sit with our families for dinner. But sometimes it becomes embarrassing when we don’t know anything about a person who is calling us or about the occasion where we had known each other or any plan to meet up in future. Now you don’t need to worry about this problem, let your Smartphone worry about it, all you need to do is install InstantRecall App on your Smartphone.
By using your contact list, this applications finds the relevant info about your contacts from social sites like Facebook and Google + and feeds it in your contacts info. It’s not all about this app but just the beginning. When you get a call from some person, with this app in your Smartphone, you can write down any important piece of note about the person and save it. It looks a small feature because it doesn’t need your 8 cores of chipset but actually it’s very important feature, it saves your time and energy from remembering all day conversations at one time and picking out the essential things, InstantRecall App does it for you in efficient way.
In this app you can add anything about any contact you want. The other ways for proving its indispensible usability is to provide you with an illustration. By chance you and some unknown person crossed paths and you two shared some basic introductory whereabouts of each other which can be about address or upcoming event where you can be together or something you can’t afford to miss. So, you can effortlessly tag all this info below this contacts name and keep it saved for your future need. This information can include your present relationship, educational info, events or anything else.
So when you find a chance to meet up with the person of interest occasionally, all you need to do is open this contact in InstantRecall App and it will recall you with everything you two shared together, thus refreshing your memory about your good time and can prove to be a very useful tool from saving you from inevitable embarrassment.
Wait!!! InstantRecall App has something more to offer you. Its voice mode is the feature which let’s yu search for any event about a particular contact by just saying it. For example you want to know what John Doe’s favourite food is. All you need to say is “John Doe’s favourite food” and it will find its way in your search results. For quick app navigation, it also comes with a widget and Android gear support.
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