Signs and Symptoms of Schistosomiasis

Signs and Symptoms of Schistosomiasis

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease which is caused by the Schistosoma type of parasitic worms mainly affects the urinary system as well as intestinal system of the human body. This disease is also known as bilharzia, snail fever, and Katayama fever. This disease is contaminated by the water which is already contaminated by the causative agents. There are several parasites involved for the outcome of this disease. 

This disease can be classified into mainly two types- i) intestinal Schistosomiasis ii) Urinary Schistosomiasis. The causative agents are discussed in the following: Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma intercalatum cause intestinal schistosomiasis, Schistosoma haematobium causes urinary schistosomiasis, Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mekongi cause Asian intestinal schistosomiasis. There are different types of snails which usually serve as their main host. The disease belongs to the group of Helminthic infections.

The diagnosis of this disease can be done by finding the eggs of the parasite in the urine or stool of the suspect or finding the presence of the antibody against this parasite in the blood of the suspect. The occurrence of this disease may be prevented by ensuring the availability of clean water and making the surrounding areas snail free as snail is the one and only intermediate host of the parasite causing this disease. Praziquantel may be used as an effective medicine to prevent and get cured from this disease which is also prescribed by the World Health Organisation.
                 Being a Helminth infection this disease also shows some unique characteristics which are solely different from other diseases. It is a chronic disease. 

The symptoms which are mostly reported by the affected persons are described in the following;
  • ·         Fever is the most common symptom of the influenza disease. The body temperature of the affected patients varies ranging from 100°F to 103°F. As a result of it many people confined to bed for several days. Flu can be identified by high fever with a sudden onset and extremely fatigue.
  • ·         The fever finally results into headache, severe pain in back as well as legs. The patients feel very weak.
  • ·         Cough- Presence of cough is found in the body of the affected person which is highly contagious playing an important role for spreading this disease to others.
  • ·         Diarrhoea: It is one of major complications which are caused by the outcome of this disease. The outcome of this complication can be found in the later stage if the patient severe affected by the disease.
  • ·         Eosinophilia: This is one of the most reported symptoms of this disease. The white blood cells count of the affected persons increases significantly indicating the presence of this disease in the body of the specific person.
  • ·         Hepatosplenomegaly: The liver and the spleen of the body of the affected persons increase in size which causing several abnormalities finally results into the abnormal physiological activities.
  • ·         Appearance of Lesions: Lesions may be found on the penis, anus or in other genital regions of the male persons who are affected by this disease. In the females patient same symptoms may be found near the pubis, clitoris, or any other genital parts. The lesions increase the probability of getting affected by HIV.

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