How To Allow a Program A quick SCAN of my system I am running Norton Security and Backup version

Norton: How To Allow a Program A quick SCAN of my system I am running Norton Security and Backup version installed in September 2015 on my PC which is running on Windows 7. Blocking Programs I like to play computer games. Doesn’t everybody? For some reason Norton Security has an issue with some of the games I download. I am not an IT Guru, and do not know why the games get blocked, however I do trust their source and would like to play the game. If you have similar problems (they may occur not only with games programs), in this tutorial we will show how you can allow a program to be used and not blocked by Norton Security. After that (especially for the game lovers) we will also show how to configure the Firewall of Norton in order to allow traffic to and from a selected program. If you are playing online, this will be rather important. Just follow the next simple steps:

Step 1 – Open Your Norton Security Program This is done by a double click on the Norton icon on your desktop, like so:

Step 2 – Run the Norton Security “Settings” You can do this by clicking on the “Settings” tab on the top right part of your Norton screen.

Step 3 – Open the “Antivirus” Setup This is done by clicking on the “Antivirus” tab, which is on the top left of your NortonSettings screen. What we will be doing is to customize how threat protection is handled by Norton. We will exclude the whole directory of the blocked program from the Norton Antivirus Scan.

Step 4 – Configure the Scans, Done by Norton When you open the Antivirus Setup, you will see a screen like this: In order for you to be able to configure the standard scans done by Norton, you need to click on the “Scans and Risks” tab – see the arrow above.

Step 5 – Scroll To the Bottom The “Scans and Risk” screen looks like this: Use the scroll bar on the right to go to the bottom of the page.

Step 6 – Configuring the Scans The bottom of the screen will look like this: In order for you to stop Norton Security from blocking your program, you will have to exclude it from the Norton scanning list. To do so, just click on the “Configure” tab in the “Items to Exclude from Scans” – see the arrow above.

Step 6 – Adding the Folder of the Blocked Program Which Is To Be Excluded From Scans When you punch the “Configure” tab above, you will see a screen like this: Now you need to click on the “Add Folders” tab in order to add the folder of the blocked program – see the arrow above. An “Add Item” screen will open. By clicking on the “Browse” icon (see the arrow bellow) you have to find on your computer the folder of the program, which you want to be exclude from the Norton scan and so unblock its use. Find the directory of the program, which you want to unblock and click on the “OK” button.

Step 7 – Finalize the Process In my example I am excluding the “Punch! Home Design” program, which Norton is blocking for some reason, from the scans. You will have the directory of the program, which you have selected in this window (nothing to do with my “Punch!”). All you have to do to finalize the process is click on the “OK” button. Now the program, which used to be blocked, is ready for use. However the internet exchange, which is done by some programs (for example, the program which we just unblocked), will still be blocked by the Firewall of Norton. If this is important for you, you will need to configure the Firewall.

Just continue with the following steps:

Step 8 – Run the Firewall Configuration This is done from the Settings Menu (see instructions above on how to get there). Now click on the “Firewall” configuration tab (see the arrow above). Step 9 – Select “Program Control” From the screen, which opens, choose the “Program Control” tab, which is second from the left.

Step 10 – Select the Program From this menu you can now select the program, which you want to allow having the required internet access. It will be marked as “Blocked” in the drop down menu to the right. Select “Allow” and then “Apply” to finalize the action. That’s it. Now the blocked internet traffic of your program will be excluded from being blocked by Norton. * * *

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