Flag Day
Black Friday
Veterans Day
Presidents Day
Mardi Gras
Mother's Day
Fathers Day
Labour Day
Memorial Day
Lent Day
Good Friday
Easter Day
Christmas day
Raksha Bandhan
Ganesha Chaturathi
Flag Day
Black Friday
Veterans Day
Presidents Day
Mardi Gras
Mother's Day
Fathers Day
Labour Day
Memorial Day
Lent Day
Good Friday
Easter Day
Christmas day
Raksha Bandhan
Ganesha Chaturathi
What is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day is a United States restricted holiday observed by entire U.S in remembrance of the brave people who scarified their life for the country’s well being while serving in Armed forces. Last year in 2014, Memorial Day was celebrated on 26th May which is the last Monday of the May and similarly, this day is annually celebrated on the last Monday of the May which is 25thMay for the year 2015.
Why National Holiday?
This national holiday unlike Veterans Day is for all the dead people who died while serving in US Armed forces while as Veterans Day is for all the U.S military veterans countrywide.
Most often we search for the origin of any particular day and find it much more comforting to commemorate any holiday when we know the cause of observation. For Memorial Day, its genesis dates back to American Civil War. After the end of American Civil War, Grand Army of republic decorated the graves of the officials who died in the war with American flowers.
After that, the honorary days for the war dead people observed by Union and confederate on two different days merged to give rise of the Memorial Day. On the onset of Memorial day, summer vacations start in United States and concludes upon the arrival of Labour Day.
Different Styles to Celebrate Memorial Day...
Memorial Day is observed countrywide in different styles. The families, relatives and other mates go to cemeteries and honour the people who died while serving in Military services. Different voluntarily organised groups place United States flag on the tombstones of each grave. In the wake of this day, people organise religious dinner known as Potluck meal in which people eat their dinner in aggregation on the sheets laid on grass.
Potluck meal has origins dating back to the days when American civil war had not started. Thus, it is considered as an ideal way to observe Memorial Day.
Since 2015, U.S started the trend of the parade organised by American Veterans centre known by the name of National Memorial Day Parade. This parade is a very massive aggregation of Veterans organised in remembrance and respect of both male and female officials who were laid to rest while serving their national security and fighting for the freedom of each and every individual of United Sates of America.
You can observe the strict guard changing ceremony taking place after each half hour till the closure of cemetery in Arlington National Cemetery. Likewise U.S Army of District Washington organises events at the same occasion which include decorating of all the tombstones with flags.
At sharp 4p.m in Arlington National Cemetery, Women Military services organises events like addressing, wreath changing and scattering of rose petals. One of the most eye catching things to watch on the Memorial Day is the March of 900, 00 bikers known as Rolling Thunder Motorcycle rally as an honour and is often mentioned as “ride for freedom”. Different other occasion like candle light vigil, etc is observed on Friday and on the days following the Memorial Day.
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