Puerto Rico, united states , 51st state

Puerto Rico, united states , 51st state
  1. Location
  2. About
  • Financial scenario
  1. Present situation

Location :  Its located in the continent of ,Caribbean covering area of around 8,870 square kilometers of land area. It covers 4,921 square kilometers of water. In terms of area it ranks 164thlargest nation with total area coverage of 13,791 square kilometers.With population density of 451 people per square kilometers it is an dependent territory (on united states of America.)

About : When puertoRico is in limelight it's necessary to catch up few necessary details about this place.
  1. citizens are pretty. ; Puerto Rico has given not less than five miss universe in the past. Hence it is proved that people are really fascinating in Puerto Rico.
  2. it's been the part of Spain in the past. Many of the habitants came from Andalucia and Canaries.
  3. US won Puerto Rico in the Spanish – American war of 1898.
  4. People living in Puerto Rico are official citizen of United states. They can easily and freely travel from archipelago and US. However , Puerto Ricans cannot cast their votes in the presidential elections of United states.
  5. Famous salsa. Famous dance form of Bomba and plena were fused to form a new endemic salsa of Puerto Rico.
  6. There are two famous world heritage sites. One of them is La Fortaleza -the residence of governer. It's one of the most old type of mansion which is in use even now. Another attracting heritage is San Juan National historic site.
  7. It has a rich rum distilleries. Bacardi is one of them.
  8. Puerto Ricans have uptill now bagged nine Olympic medals.

Financial scenario :  Puerto Rico has faced financial hardships since past. The territory is running in debt of $120 bn . The debts are huge. The territory is bankrupt and running on loans. No one knows how long this condition will last. The crisis in the financial sector has led government to take series of serious measures. They have adopted policies which significantly reduce cost drastically and increase revenues. Hopefully this will lead to economic growth. Since very long its economic condition has been described as weak, fragile and unstable.

Present situation :  On June 11, 2017 Puerto Ricans casted their votes seeking statehood. They have voted to make Puerto Rico a legal complete American territory. 23% of the voters took part in this voting process. These 23% voters seek complete voting rights in the US presidential elections.  People have also taken similar voting measures for statehood in the past (2012).  Island owns its own legislature and senate.

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